Opening Hope Prep

Today was like a carnival in Waterloo, Sierra Leone as the new school was opened. It was a privilege for me to open it and the people there are so appreciate of everything we do. Throughout the many long speeches I heard 'Merchant Taylors' Girls' School' and 'Stanfield' mentioned about 100 times.

Following this I went to visit some elderly people and their families who had suffered strokes and had difficulty with movement. I collapsible walking sticks with me (£7 in Argos) and you would not believe the relief that the people received.

Early in the morning (8am) I met Anita Koroma from Girl Child Sierra Leone and gave her a donation from my form (8W) along with other items to support the poor and vulnerable girls she works with.

Finally, I visited Mercy Orphanage in Fullah Town. I first met these kids in 2014 and It was a lovely to see them all again. I gave them a donation from MTGS, underwear and socks and we bought boxes of sweets and biscuits in Freetown which I gave to them. The Matron wasn't happy as it makes them go hyper!
Pupils of Hope Prep for the opening.


A gift for MTGS Pupils

                                             Very Happy Hope Prep Staff


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